Aircraft aileron part number 110128 is now in stock. This part is manufactured by , with a description of Aeronca Aileron Sector Shim, 8KCAB, FAA/PMA d. If you are looking to receive a quote on 110128 part, please fill out the form. is owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, an AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 0056B accredited distributor for obsolete electronic parts. We stock over 2 billion parts for aviation aftermarket spares, IT hardware parts, and board level components from over 5,000 manufacturers.
Our presence in multiple locations including California. All these facilities have advanced warehousing capabilities which allow us to offer same day and next day shipping on domestic orders. Ailerons are used for creating a rolling motion in an aircraft. These are basically small hinged sections placed on the wing’s outboard section and used to control the balance of the aircraft.
An experienced customer service executive will get back to you within 15 minutes of receiving the quote for 110128. If your request is urgent, you can call us on +1-714-705-4780 any time of the day, or you can email your Bill of Materials (BOM) in excel format to